Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Corona floreale del reggente Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Tunica floreale del reggente Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Guanti floreali del reggente Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Pantaloni floreali del reggente Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Mocassini floreali del reggente Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Esplosione di ghiaccio Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Scheggia ghiacciata Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Martello da guerra dell'inverno Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Mannaia del gelo perenne Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Ghiacciolo Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Furia della tormenta Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Canna del gelo Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Neve sfrigolante Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Baluardo glaciale Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Egida del ghiaccio Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Slitta festiva Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Guanto cristallino Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Ombra amara Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Punta dell'iceberg Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Cura del freddo Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Camicia di pizzo nobile Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Cappello di pizzo nobile Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Pantaloni di pizzo nobili Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Stivali di pizzo nobili Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Guanti di pizzo nobili Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Camicia di seta multistrato sofisticata Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Maschera di seta multistrato sofisticata Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Pantaloni di seta multistrato sofisticati Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Stivali di seta multistrato sofisticati Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Guanti di seta multistrato sofisticati Can be crafted
Common V 500-600
Spada (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Accetta (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Mazzafrusto di oricalco (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Martello da guerra (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Arco piatto (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Moschetto (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Schioppo di oricalco (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Bastone infuocato (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Bastone della vita (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Lancia (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Ascia grande (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Spadone (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Stocco (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Guanto di ghiaccio (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Guanto del Vuoto (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Scudo rotondo (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Scudo a goccia di oricalco (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Scudo a torre (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Elmo di piastre. (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600
Corazza di piastre (Gypsum Cast)
Common V 500-600